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We are a member of WRJ, Women of Reform Judaism.                                         WRJlogo

The Woman of Valor is a lifetime achievement award given to a Sisterhood member chosen by the Board of Directors for her exceptional service to Sisterhood.
                 2024 Recipient: 

Women of Congregation Beth Yam - Who are we?

The Sisterhood of Beth Yam offers the women of our congregation unique opportunities:

  • To make close, lifelong friends
  • To learn about interesting topics
  • To lead a more profoundly Jewish life
  • ​​​​​​​To give back to our community

Our programs and activities add an important dimension of fun and learning for our members. Open to women of all ages and interests, we provide an outlet for the creative energy, talent and leadership of each of our members.

Our affiliation with the Women of Reform Judaism offers a deeper connection to other Jewish women nationally and worldwide.

Commitment - it gives our organization meaning
Whether organizing a special religious service, bringing dinner to a bereaved family, collaborating on religious school programming, or sponsoring an Oneg, our Sisterhood is committed to supporting Beth Yam and its congregants.

Connection - it is what we are all about
It is the friends you make at a Beth Yam Sisterhood dinner. Or the fun you have at a book club meeting.  Beth Yam Sisterhood helps you connect to other women, to women's roles in Judaism, to social and cultural issues, and to Beth Yam's caring community.

Join Us!
You are already on your way to becoming a Beth Yam Sisterhood member just by belonging to Congregation Beth Yam. So, take the next step and become actively involved.

Whether you want to come to an occasional meeting or a selected program - or you choose to plunge in and organize events or become a board member - there is a place for you in our Sisterhood. A warm, caring and dynamic group of women will welcome you, however you choose to participate.


For the Temple
Judaica Shop 
Oneg Shabbat Coordination
Bereavement Committee
Special Shabbat Programming

For the Religious School
Honor Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Co-Sponsor Family Activities

For our Members
Book Club
Women's Seder
Programs and Luncheons
Social Events
Jewish Educational Trips

Community Support
National foundations  including WRJ, Jewish Federation and JNF. These programs include MAZON (Jewish Response to Hunger), YES:Youth Education and Special Projects, and ORT America, to name a few.

Sisterhood Officers for 2024/2025
Co-Presidents: Sally Vosk, Sheila Margeson
Acting Recording Secretary: Ellen Jenner
Corresponding Secretary: Sheila Margeson
Treasurer: Helen Hauer
Vice President Judaica ShopNadyne Ulicny, Judy Bluestone
Vice President Membership: Open
      Sisterhood and You Page: Ellen Jenner
Vice President Fundraising: Open
Vice President Community, Cultural, and Social Programs: Open
      Book Club: Rita Suntup
Vice President Congregational Services: Open
       BereavementJudy Gimbel 
       Kitchen Services: Sally Vosk & Nadyne Ulicny
       Women’s Seder: Ellen Jenner
Historian: Open
Nominating CommitteeOpen
Immediate Past President - Helen Hauer

Past Presidents:
Terry Schaffer
Sue Wiener/Elyse Meister
Jane Rosenblum
Judie Aronson
Helen Kahaner
Roberta Baker
Sheri Farbstein
Elaine Lust
Helen Hauer
Janet Weingarten
Cathy Kite
Sue Gostanian
Randy Kurjan
Robin Krumholz

For additional information: call 843-689-2178 or e-mail us at

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785